
To see my Mama

I am flying to Alaska tomorrow. My mother is in the hospital with a very serious lung infection.
Empyema-infection in the pleural space surrounding her lung. The lung is collapsed. The condition itself is dangerous, but she has the added complication of having battled lung cancer-with all of the chemo & radiation they could throw at her-in late '05/early '06. There is a mass in her lung according to the CT. They believe the cancer may have recurred.
She has to have surgery to clean out the infection. I'll spare the gruesome details. She is in intensive care. My family wants me there. I want to be there. All of my mind is there, so my creaky bod should be there, too.

Heidi has instructions to cook, clean, cuss & yell. "you know-be me" :) She can hold down the fort for Lloyd and the younger kids. Feed the cats & dogs, MAKE DELICIOUS DINNERS-she can handle it!

Oh, my poor mama. She's been through so much. It makes me sad to see her scared. Cancer sucks. I am hoping she finds another helping of 'tough' inside, she's going to need it.

Hope for the best....

Life is precious.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Hey girl. I'm sending you lots of good healing juju for your mom. Hugs to everyone and don't forget to take care of you, too.