
Out on a DATE?

Lloyd took me out on a date last night!?!?!!! At 6 PM he said-what movies are playing in town? So we raced into town, grabbed 2 slices of Waterfront Pizza, tons of people out in the chilly evening air, dashed to the Rose, tried to catch a movie but the theater was packed. So, we got buttered popcorn anyway (the Rose Theatre has the best popcorn OMG!)& decided to go out for appetizers. Lovers taking pictures of themselves out on their dates at the Public House-young couples, grey haired couples, candle light & roses. I had my favorite oyster appetizer and my night was MADE! Lloyd had beer & a burger. The music was drab so we decided to go elsewhere for dessert. Off to the Upstage, 4 eateries in 1 night,what a tour! The place was packed! So many couples out celebrating. Ladies in red dresses & men in red sweaters or red shirts, dancing & twirling. Heart jewelery on ears and necklaces-even one red plastic light up ring! While we listened to a Patsy Cline song get butchered, I watched one young couple gaze into each others eyes as he held her face in his hands across their tiny table, just smiling at each other so sweetly.

Love was in the air in Port Townsend last night. Thank you, Lloyd.

What a surprise! I didn't expect a date or all of the beauty & joy that I witnessed. My grin will wear off eventually I suppose....

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