
To see my Mama

I am flying to Alaska tomorrow. My mother is in the hospital with a very serious lung infection.
Empyema-infection in the pleural space surrounding her lung. The lung is collapsed. The condition itself is dangerous, but she has the added complication of having battled lung cancer-with all of the chemo & radiation they could throw at her-in late '05/early '06. There is a mass in her lung according to the CT. They believe the cancer may have recurred.
She has to have surgery to clean out the infection. I'll spare the gruesome details. She is in intensive care. My family wants me there. I want to be there. All of my mind is there, so my creaky bod should be there, too.

Heidi has instructions to cook, clean, cuss & yell. "you know-be me" :) She can hold down the fort for Lloyd and the younger kids. Feed the cats & dogs, MAKE DELICIOUS DINNERS-she can handle it!

Oh, my poor mama. She's been through so much. It makes me sad to see her scared. Cancer sucks. I am hoping she finds another helping of 'tough' inside, she's going to need it.

Hope for the best....

Life is precious.



SO, Holly bought herself a truck. I do not know if she will EVER stop grinning! She is so happy. She, Willow, Tara & I had lunch together, then went to goodwill & the auto parts store to "pimp" her ride. It was a complete and total BLAST! When Holly is happy-Life is Grand!

Willow & Heidi's test scores came today and they both passed with very high scores. Now for the gathering of financial aid info. They call them turbo testers-they finished in half the alloted time and in the 90th or higher on all but 1 subject! Smarty pants-with attitudes. Willow is interested in cosmetology. She will be running her own business one day, no doubt in my mind. Heidi is interested in culinary school, bit she needs to settle where she wants to live first. Here, Louisiana, Portland....it's up in the air. Louisiana is top on the list for her, though.

Lloyd made it through his extra long day, came home full of good cheer. He then told me a story about a scary experience at the mill. He & a co-worker were in an enclosed area working, finished up and were manuvering their way out over grates & stuff when there was a huge "BOOM" "explosion" Lloyd said. Then steam loudly pulsing from a giant pipe. Lloyd said "I'm getting the F outta here" and RAN! He said it freaked them all out, not knowing what blew & which workers were where in the mess of it. Turns out it was a pressure release valve doing its job to protect the main boiler from building up too much pressure. But-frightening, until they knew what the deal was! Ahh, love the mill (ack!). I think I'll buy some lottery tickets this week. ha ha

On the homestead-the SUN has been shining, leading me to believe that we will, in fact, have a spring & summer later this year.
SO- firming up on the chicken selection & going to get my little seedlings started in the house here in the next 2 weeks. I got a sale flyer for a tall 4 level shelf to put in the south facing window/non moving side of our sliding glass doors. That should work out just fine. My only worry is that crazy, perpetually bad child ZERO (Tara's cat, who lives with us!?!?)

Poor Zero is very intelligent & bored. He can't go outside because Holly's cat Simon lives on our porch and tries to kill him everytime he steps out of the house. Simon is sweet, fluffy, adorable. He rolls onto his back for you to scratch his curly tummy. He looks like a lion. And he is a KILLER, stone cold, ass kicking KILLER. Loves people, hates other cats, KILLS anything that moves. He does get along fine with the dogs. Hazel is much smaller than him and he leaves her alone. Between he & Magic, Simon is certainly the dude in charge, they are pals. They probably have formed a team to assasinate the pets that get to live in the house, while they languish outside. They plot. Well, Simon plots, Magic.....I don't think so!

La-La, Life is sweet!


Takin' care of business

Yesterday was spent in Port Angeles. The view from PA is lovely, especially with the sun shining. However, PA itself is icky. It made me feel motion sick by the end of the day. AND my business in PA took so long that I didn't get to visit my friend in Sequim on the way home. :( I was looking forward to it. So, I need to plan a grocery shopping in Sequim & visit Wendy raincheck day.
Today Lloyd had to be at work at 5:30am and has to work until 7:30 or 8:00pm!! Poor guy is going to be exhausted. I plan on having lots of piping hot food for him. He is usually tired but very pleased with himself after one of these "downs". I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good mood. Naomi & I have the house all warm & tidy. A tidy house is sure a mood elevator after a long day at work. You can relaxxxxxxxxx.
Gotta go rustle up some grub for this evenings meal!

Sun is shining. Life is good!


Out on a DATE?

Lloyd took me out on a date last night!?!?!!! At 6 PM he said-what movies are playing in town? So we raced into town, grabbed 2 slices of Waterfront Pizza, tons of people out in the chilly evening air, dashed to the Rose, tried to catch a movie but the theater was packed. So, we got buttered popcorn anyway (the Rose Theatre has the best popcorn OMG!)& decided to go out for appetizers. Lovers taking pictures of themselves out on their dates at the Public House-young couples, grey haired couples, candle light & roses. I had my favorite oyster appetizer and my night was MADE! Lloyd had beer & a burger. The music was drab so we decided to go elsewhere for dessert. Off to the Upstage, 4 eateries in 1 night,what a tour! The place was packed! So many couples out celebrating. Ladies in red dresses & men in red sweaters or red shirts, dancing & twirling. Heart jewelery on ears and necklaces-even one red plastic light up ring! While we listened to a Patsy Cline song get butchered, I watched one young couple gaze into each others eyes as he held her face in his hands across their tiny table, just smiling at each other so sweetly.

Love was in the air in Port Townsend last night. Thank you, Lloyd.

What a surprise! I didn't expect a date or all of the beauty & joy that I witnessed. My grin will wear off eventually I suppose....


Valentine's Day

Friday was GREAT! Willow was already in town, so I met her & Tara for delicious breakfast and bowlfuls of caramello lattes at Sweet Laurette's. A wonderful way to start the day! The rest of the day was filled with errands & window shopping, no rush, lovely.

We had grilled steaks for dinner with the kids as an early Valentine's Day dinner. Everyone loved it, of course. Is there really anything more delicious than med rare steak on the bar-b? Lloyd's mom sent us a bouquet of flowers-very sweet & thoughtful.

This morning we had coffee & then went outside & did some yard work, until it began to rain. OK- we'll finish that chore later!!
Lloyd's making a run to the dump & I'm catching up on e-mails & facebook & blogs. My Internet social life meshes perfectly with the dead van in the driveway that leaves me stranded at home! =)

Sweet, sweet Heidi is coming up for a week or 2 visit. I have to pick her up at the Bainbridge ferry tomorrow. YAY!! I can have some "all of my kids home" time. Dinner & gabbing & photo ops with all of us in the same place at the same time! It doesn't happen often enough anymore. So, I am very much looking forward to her visit.

Happy Valentine's Day

Life is good...


birds & boredom

Ho hum. I am looking forward to Friday. On Friday Willow and I will go to town with Lloyd in the morning so that we can use his truck! Vehicle=Freedom. Town=Showers! Willow is going to attempt her drivers permit test. We will also pick up some paint for projects around the homestead AND shop for groceries galore.

This weekend Lloyd is building a wall in the bathroom and a divider wall between the girls bedrooms. I plan to paint the floor upstairs. Then during the week I will paint the floor downstairs. That should tide me over until we can tile & carpet in the LR.

There is also the change the stairs project. Lots of plans for home improvement. We can do that jazz while it continues to SNOW outside. hmmpff! so there.

I put out bird seed and the cats & I are now being treated to quite the show. It's like kitty IMAX. Such a tease for them. We had Rufous sided Towhee's (pictured at the top) & Thrushes this morning. The towhee had red eyes-really strikingly pretty bird. One lone stellar jay showed up-over dressed for a casual event, as usual! Silly birds. I love it when the little hummingbirds show up. But-I am willing to wait if house projects getting done is the trade-off.



Damnit! I trudged around in the woods with Lloyd yesterday. We were locating the 2 north corners of our property. And then...I stepped into a low spot and POP went my friggin' knee. It didn't hurt instantly, but it hurts like hell today! It feels like my quad is bruised, too. GD knee. I injured it when I was 20 yrs old and it has hassled me ever since.

We have decided to bar-b-que tonite. Cold weather be damned! Two days of sunshine in a row and we are READY for summer! Bring it! We haven't decided the meat type, but there will be marinading & grilling involved. Ooooo, I can hardly wait. Salmon? Chicken? Tender (expensive) beef? We'll see....

Slappy the skunk is still visiting on a regular basis. He'll miss a night or 2 and then he's back. The cats have learned to leave him alone. I went to bed early last night. Lloyd & the kids were up watching a movie with the genny on, so the porch lights had my bedroom lit up when Slappy arrived. I watched him run around in my room. He is so small-like a small long haired squirrel- and so cute. At one point I thought he was going to jump up onto my bed. He ran across the floor toward the bed, then under it and into the battery room from the foot of the bed. Little maniac! He is so small, but so loud with his slappy little bare feet! Lloyd wants to catch him in the live trap and relocate him. ??? I don't want to harm him in any way. Conundrum. What to do about Slappy.

Ordering seeds & chickens & a turkey or two next weekend. We also have a line on some Icelandic sheep. We just need to decide how many to start with & figure out where their area will be here on the homestead. We may do sheep next year & just focus on fowl this season. Build it slowly so as not to overwhelm. Still talking it over. We've got a bathroom upgrade to do in the next two weeks, too. Very good stuff happening around here!

Life is GOOD!



Yay! The court dismissed all of the BS we have been dealing with for over a year because of Willow not having a note for 3 excused absences. Pain in the butt! OVER!!!!

And my dearest friend got married yesterday afternoon in a simple, heartfelt, lovely ceremony. I was honored to attend & I am sure that theirs will be a peaceful, happy, musical union.

Then, in the evening, Luke let Lloyd beat him in the father/son basketball game. He said some of dad's friends from high school were there and he didn't want to embarass him in front of them. What a considerate young man! HAHA.

Life is sooo good!


25 Random things about me from my facebook

1. Every once in awhile, I really like a peanut butter & dill pickle sandwich! (try it!)

2. I've had a racoon, great horned owl, boa constrictor, turtles, iguanas, geckos, doves, finches, goats, tarantula, chickens, squirrels, frogs, fish, hedgehog & chinchillas as pets.

3. I love the fact that I am named after my daddy-Dennis Michael Dunnigan.

4. I have been a doula at 18 births (NOT including the 6 that I 've given birth to!)!!

5. I love, love, love the smell of fresh basil.

6. I had my first child at 17. She is awesome and amazing. It turned out ok for us.

7. I dream of playing the fiddle, well. I took lessons for awhile-work got in the way....

8. I met Lloyd 22 years ago, married 17 years in May & he still gives me butterflies <3

9. Apparently, I snore. LOUD. Really bums me out. Asthma & allergies. Sooo not cool.

10. I really miss having girlfriends. I have a hard time making friends, wish I had more.
maybe if I didn't snore...or if I could play the fiddle...?

11. My house was burned down 3 times growing up (crazy arsonist stepdad). Yes, really.

12. I have lived in Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon & Washington.

13. There are 2 bolts in my left knee and a new acl made from my own hamstring!
I tore it skiing at Heavenly Valley on my Honeymoon & haven't skied since :(

14. I have always wanted to live off of my own land. We are working toward that goal!!

15. Raspberries, blueberries, papaya, pesto, lamb, scallops, salmon, halibut, mushrooms, coconut & lemon/ginger are my top 10 favorite foods.

16. My maternal great-great grandmother was on the first all woman city council in the US
in Langley, Wa on Whidbey Island!!

17. I love to garden, it reminds me of when I was little and gardened w/ my grandma.
She was very patient and has beautiful hands. Very sweet memories.

18. I get motion sick very easily & it usually takes an overnight sleep to go away! ugh.

19. I have 3 tatoos. They all have some connection to Holly...hmmmm.

20. I have 6 children, 5 daughters and 1 son. 5 natural births & 1 c-section w/baby #3.
Holly, Tara, Heidi, Willow, Lukas & Naomi.

21. I am suprised by the way not having a job has effected me. I am in a good place now, but it has been an emotional rollercoaster.

22. I am afraid of flying & drowning & fire & the specter of dementia.

23. When I was young I rode horses 6-8 hours a day all summer long. Stupid boys got me distracted! I miss horseback riding.

24. I wish that my allergies would allow me to drink booze. I LOVE wine and a nice buzz!

25. I am very grateful for my beautiful family. I feel content. Peaceful, even. They are not just beautiful to look at. They are smart & funny & interesting & talented & complex. Not perfect of course, we all have our days. But overall, pretty sweet.


What a MAN!!

These are pictures of Lloyd's day at work today!

It was a stressful day. You can't tell by his GIANT smile!!
Hanging from a crane 263 feet in the air to remove rusted support rings from this deteriorating (& still in use) 80 year old stack.

Thank you babe-for working so hard to support your little family. xoxo

The last photo shows the basket that he and a co-worker stood in together to do the work and take these pictures with his camera phone from high above the mill and PT Bay! WOW! Top of "A" stack up close...

The little dots(center left) are 5 workers watching from below.

That tiny square that the crane is dangling is the basket he was in to take the pics and do the work! Thankfully it was a beautiful day & quite an experience. I feel like I need to bake 28 loaves of bread and wash his feet! Willow says "with your hair & tears?!"

Yes, Willow, yes.
