
Night Watch

Here I am in my Mother's hospital room. I have had a good night's sleep last night and a nap (and a double shot latte!)this afternoon in anticipation of being here and up over night. She had her epidural catheter removed today and 2 of the 5 chest tubes, also. Pain management takes on an entirely new meaning with the epidural out! Now the narcotics come in to play, ie: let the head games begin. In addition, it will take a day or so for a routine to settle in that will balance the pain coverage and her ability to cope, comfortably. On a positive note, her recovery is continuing to go very well. She would argue that the myriad of new IV's, blood tests, tape rashes, coughing fits, trips to far reaches of the hospital for various tests, shift changes, personality clashes with nurses, tv show interuptions, crappy food, changing meds, fevers, dressing changes, and many dignity defying events-SUCK! (and they DO!) Overall, she is recovering-slowly but surely.

Holly has done an excellent and amazing job of being at her side since her upgrade from critical care to progressive care. The nurse to patient ratio is lower and we all agree that there needs to be a family member with her at all times in this part of the hospital. That boils down to either me or Holly with her 24/7 or both of us here with her!! And as Murphy's law will prove every time- we both left, with other family here for a 2 hour, middle of the day break and all hell broke loose! She passed out and collapsed in my brother and her husbands arms (low blood pressure and weak legs combo from the epidural). She was unhurt, but scared the bejesus out of Grant and Archie!! Then today Holly went down to the cafeteria and the tape from Mom's brand new IV stuck to her face as she dozed off... When Holly returned a few minutes later there was what looked to be an IV in her cheek (it was just ON her cheek) and blood burbling out of her hand, all over the place!! So, I had to basically swear to Holly that I wouldn't leave the room while I am on duty for the next couple of days & nights. Holly went to get some well deserved rest. She is so good with my Mom. She is so amazingly patient with her. My Mother also has the greatest respect for Holly's intelligence and trust in her capabilities. Therefore, she is able to relax when Holly is at her side. Holly was afraid my feelings would be hurt at being relegated to #2 nurse on the list, but- it just makes me proud of how awesome she is!! I'm good-but Holly is "REAL GOOD"!!
Alaska is beautiful and I love the chance to visit with my family.
But, man do I miss my home, sweet, home!! And my sweet peeps who live there with me. *sniffle, sniff*

Life is good. Funny & hard & good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and your family. hang in there. -charlie