
La la la-ahhhhhhh


The new modem has arrived. = )

I have had so much frustrated research in its absence!
As a result, we now own a battery back-up surge protector for the precious (and apparently fragile) dsl modem.

Lloyd has been working overtime at the mill, while sadly, others have been laid off. Yesterday was the first day he EVER said his pay made him want to work more overtime. He is a happy man with a little $$ in pocket! Even talking about projects around here that need doing.

I try to keep him fed & happy. Keeping the house tidy sure helps! Everyone has been doing a lot better job with their chores, which certainly helps overall morale on the homestead. I feel like I'm getting back to actual 'stay at home mom' and all of the benefits to the family that that affords. As opposed to the frazzled, overworked, can't possibly stay on top of any one thing woman who sleeps and gets ready for work in the same house as the rest of you but is too tired and grumpy to care! hahahaha. i think....

As for the research. I friggin' love you internet! I have been reading up on Icelandic Sheep, composting, art, homesteading, working from home, water storage, animal husbandry, old friends blogs & 25 random things about me on facebook (what a fun thing to do & to read others!). Thank you internet and all of your interesting and informative contributers!

Still super looking forward to spring with seedlings & gardens & chickens & sunshine and all of that good, good stuff. The kids are getting excited, too. The older ones try to be cool but they are starting to crack and tell me what kind of chicks THEY want! hee hee. Lloyd is even looking at the hatchery catalog! This all makes me sooooo happy!

Day after tomorrow is Heidi's 22nd birthday. She is in Portland and I miss her, a lot. I worry about her when I can't see her and talk to her more often. Sweet little pooky. *sniff* Isn't she lovely?

A lovely Saturday. Warm and relaxing. Good moods all around. Ahhhh

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